"Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muß man schweigen."
"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent."
; Logoi recognizes two forms of human commentary:
; 1. Editorial commentary (;), and
; 2. Logical commentary (%)
; Everything to the right of a semicolon (;) is editorial commentary.
; Logoi ignores editorial commentary.
% Everything to the right of a percentile (%) is logical commentary.
% Logoi translates logical commentary into Prolog.
; Click a % below to see how Logoi translates the following sentences into Prolog:
% Socrates is a man.
% All men are mortal.
% The plural of man is men.
% Is Socrates mortal?
% λόγοι is the Greek word for "words".
% Logoi is a natural* programming** language,
% a hyperextensible text editor,
% and an artificial ratiocinator.
; *
% If {1} is a natural language,
% and {2} implements a subset of {1},
% then {2} is a natural language.
% English is a natural language.
% Logoi implements a subset of English.
% Is Logoi a natural language?
; **
% If {1} is a programming language,
% and {2} is a programming language,
% and {3} is a superdialect of {1} and {2},
% then {3} is a programming language.
% Prolog is a programming language.
% Lisp is a programming language.
% Logoi is a superdialect of Prolog and Lisp.
% Is Logoi a programming language?
Next: constants